Segelmacher Drenthe


Suchen Sie einen Segelmacher in Drenthe? Als Spezialist für individuelle Überdachungen, Bespannungen und Planen entlasten wir Sie gerne von A bis Z. Unsere Segelmacher zeichnen, schneiden, kleben, nähen und konfektionieren. Alles wird intern in unserer Segelmacherei in Zuidbroek erledigt, die von Drenthe aus in 25 Minuten zu erreichen ist. Deshalb können wir bei jedem Auftrag höchste Qualität garantieren.

Haben Sie in puncto Farben und Design schon alles durchdacht oder möchten Sie sich fundiert beraten lassen? In beiden Fällen helfen wir Ihnen gerne weiter. Mehr als 50 Jahre Erfahrung haben dafür gesorgt, dass unsere Segelmacher genau wissen, welche Farben, Stoffe und Designs wunderbar zusammenpassen und sich auch nahtlos in Ihr Interieur einfügen. Rufen Sie uns an, um die Möglichkeiten zu besprechen, oder besuchen Sie unseren Segelmacher in der Nähe der Provinz Drenthe!

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Der Segelmacher bei Drenthe

We have been around for more than 50 years. That is why we have had to design the most diverse types of covers, rugs and sails over the years. What we have learned is that no yacht is the same. Customization is often required. That is why our sailmakers near Drenthe design and assemble custom steering cloths, convertible tops and biminis.

Whatever your preferences are in terms of fabrics and colors, chances are our sailmakers can design it for you. The possibilities are virtually endless. The question remains whether the desired colors fit nicely with the current interior and exterior. We are happy to help you in our sailmaker. Various colors and items are taken into account, but also the whole. We craftsmen provide a custom design, with which both your interior and exterior are brought together into one beautiful whole that exudes tranquility and luxury!

Our sailmakers near Drenthe offer various services

As a sailmaker near Drenthe, we are known for our wide range of services. We make various types of hoods, sails and other canvas products. You engage us for the following services, among others:

  • Sprayhoods
  • Biminis
  • Convertible tops
  • Tarpaulins
  • Winter clothes
  • Handlebar cloths
  • Upholstery

It is of course possible that you have questions about the products we make and what the possibilities are. Feel free to contact us by phone. Our sailmakers are happy to talk to you and, if necessary, provide you with advice without obligation.

Also for hunting upholstery

Your mattresses, curtains and cushions should be (re)upholstered every few years. Don’t wait too long with that; call us in time. We inspect the condition of the items, offer tailor-made advice in terms of colours, fabrics and design and also provide you with a targeted cost indication. You always know where you stand.

Our goal is to completely unburden you, but it is of course also possible to come to beautiful designs in consultation. Our sailmakers always listen to your wishes and are happy to discuss the possibilities with you. After you have approved the design, our craftsmen ensure that everything is custom made in our sailmaker near Drenthe.


Specialist in cleaning and repairs

In addition to custom hoods, rugs and yacht upholstery, we also take care of cleaning and repairs. Regardless of the condition of your yacht, cleaning should be done regularly. Your exterior is exposed 24/7 to various weather influences, which can result in mold and dirt in the longer term. Call us in time for a no-obligation inspection, so that we can efficiently and professionally remedy the problem areas. Contact our sailmaker near Drenthe today!

It is also important to have regular maintenance work carried out. Preventive action is always preferred. However, some situations are difficult to avoid. Think of loose seams and small leaks, which must be repaired as soon as possible. Please contact us in time. Our sailmakers ensure that everything is professionally repaired and further damage is prevented.

Visit our sailmaker near Drenthe

Have you already decided and would you like to visit our sailmaker? We welcome you warmly with a cup of coffee and are happy to talk to you. It does not matter whether it concerns a spray hood, or whether your cushion and curtains need to be (re)upholstered, our sail makers provide a custom design that meets your wishes and budget!

Do you have some questions that you would like answered first? Feel free to ask them by phone. Our professionals are happy to talk to you and provide you with sound advice, so that you are well informed before you visit our sailmaker near Drenthe.

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